America's Best Charities

Charity Code # Name Website EIN Location 25-Word Description
11495 America's Best Charities 94-3067804 San Rafael, CA Feeding the hungry. Sheltering the homeless. Protecting the children. And healing the sick. America's finest independent charities. Working with you to share- the American way.
12000 Abused Children's Fund, Inc. 59-3254371 Santa Rosa, CA Thousands of innocent children are tragically hurt every day by emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Help protect and restore through prevention, rehabilitation and God's love.
14050 Adventist Development & Relief Agency International 52-1314847 Silver Spring, MD Imagine living without clean water or food. Global humanitarian organization assists communities under development and during disasters: providing water, food security, health, education, economic opportunities.
14855 After a Child Dies - The Compassionate Friends 36-2968329 Wixom, MI A child's death is a devastating experience. We offer support/community education through grief-related resources to help the bereaved reach physical/emotional health.
14820 Aid For Starving Children 52-1224507 Windsor, CA One child dying of hunger every 12 seconds-over 7,000 a day- must stop!
14065 Air & Space Forces Association 52-6043929 Arlington, VA Join the Force behind the Force to promote a dominate US Air Force and support Air Force families through professional development, scholarships, and other programs.
12065 Air Warrior Emergency Support Fund 77-0490412 Thousand Oaks, CA Honor our Wounded Warriors! We provide rehab services at three Military Medical Centers, and starter IRS 529 College Savings Plans for dependents of aircrews KIA.
13249 Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer 56-2496146 Bala Cynwyd, PA A four-year-old cancer patient's frontyard lemonade stand evolved to a nationwide movement to find a cure for pediatric cancer. Every person can make a difference.
12010 Alley Cat Allies 52-1742079 Bethesda, MD Every 15 seconds a healthy cat is killed in a shelter. Our programs help shelters save more cats and kittens, but we need your help.
13995 Alley Cat Rescue 52-2279100 Mt. Rainier, MD Stray, abandoned and feral cats are neglected. Healthy cats in shelters are killed. Your contribution helps us end feline overpopulation and suffering.
12495 Alzheimer's Foundation of America 91-1792864 New York, NY Alzheimer's disease pulls at a family's heartstrings and pursestrings. AFA provides education and support services nationally and locally for people with dementia and their caregivers.
13256 Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation 86-0735832 Tucson, AZ Help fight Alzheimer's disease and find a cure through research and prevention! Committed to ensuring peak mental performance and optimum brain function throughout our lives.
14080 American Association for Cancer Research 23-6251648 Philadelphia, PA We fund groundbreaking scientific cancer research that saves lives. By contributing, you can help speed up the pace of scientific discovery, and fight cancer.
14860 American Association of Kidney Patients 11-2306416 Tampa, FL AAKP has been dedicated to improving the lives of kidney patients and their families through education advocacy and the fostering of patient communities.
12025 American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association 38-3027574 Clinton Township, MI 50 million Americans have autoimmune disease. Autoimmunity causes lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn?s disease, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and 100+ other diseases.
13262 American Brain Tumor Association 23-7286648 Chicago, IL Advancing the understanding and treatment of brain tumors with the goals of improving, extending, and saving the lives of those impacted by brain tumor diagnoses.
14090 American Humane Association 84-0432950 Washington, DC Protecting millions of children and animals from abuse, neglect and abandonment for 135 years. We lead understanding of the human-animal bond. The abuse must stop!
14095 American Indian College Fund 52-1573446 Denver, CO Native Americans account for only 1% of college students. Help us change this statistic through scholarships/program support. Let's re-imagine what's possible for our students.
14100 American Indian Youth Running Strong 54-1594578 Alexandria, VA Raising standard of living, self-esteem of Native American children. Providing relief, development to Indian Reservations. Teaching traditional life skills, healthy lifestyles, respect for Mother Earth.
14105 American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation 13-3813813 Raleigh, NC Help dogs live longer, healthier lives by fighting canine diseases like cancer, epilepsy, eye and heart disease. Our work furthers human treatments and cures too.
14110 Americans Helping Americans 54-1594577 Alexandria, VA Fighting American poverty by aiding needy Appalachian and urban Americans; providing low-income families, elderly, and veterans with basic relief, educational support and affordable housing.
13276 America's VetDogs - the Veteran's K-9 Corps, Inc. 20-8814368 Smithtown, NY Trains and places guide, service, hearing and PTSD dogs. Transforming lives of disabled veterans, active servicemembers and first responders to live once again with self-reliance.
14865 Angel Canines and Wounded Warriors 52-1374161 Norfolk, Virginia FREE nation-wide transportation for veteran families and cancer patients that removes barriers to medical care, service dogs and adaptive sports activities.
12430 Animal Legal Defense Fund 94-2681680 Cotati, CA Animals need love - and lawyers! Unimaginable acts of cruelty must end. In courtrooms across America, ALDF is winning the case against cruelty!
14870 Animal Welfare Institute 13-5655952 Washington, DC The Animal Welfare Institute seeks better treatment of animals everywhere- in the laboratory, on the farm, in commerce, at home, and in the wild.
14120 Anxiety and Depression Association of America 52-1248820 Silver Spring, MD Anxiety disorders, depression, OCD, and PTSD, are real, serious, and treatable. We champion research for a cure and offer educational resources to millions suffering silently.
14875 Apes Alive - The Primate Rescue Center 61-1325369 NicholasvilleKY, They deserve sanctuary. Saving lives and providing a safe haven for chimpanzees and monkeys in need. Providing lifelong sanctuary care, working to end the bushmeat trade and poaching, and changing laws to protect primates.
14125 Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation 52-1336903 Bethesda, MD AAMDSIF supports, connects and educates patients, caregivers and health professionals on bone marrow failure diseases worldwide. It also provides research grants.
14130 Appalachian Trail Conservancy 52-6046689 Harpers Ferry, WV Preserve and manage this amazing nature trail. Ensuring that its priceless cultural heritage can be shared and enjoyed today, tomorrow, and for centuries to come.
14880 Arthritis National Research Foundation 95-6043953 Irvine, CA Over 58 million Americans, including 300,000 children, are suffering from arthritis & other autoimmune diseases with still no cure. ANRF provides initial research funding to scientists for new treatments and a cure.
14885 Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund 57-1192973 Washington, DC Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of APIA students by providing them with resources that increase their access to higher education which serves as the foundation for their future success and contributions to a more vibrant America.
10811 ASPCA: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 13-1623829 New York, NY Staged dog fights to the death. Puppy factories with overcrowded and unsanitary breeding pens. Kittens tortured for amusement. Help stop these acts of animal cruelty.
14890 Autism Science Foundation 26-4522309 Scarsdale, NY Research is the key to understanding autism. We're funding cutting edge research and science that will lead to real answers and offer hope for those affected by autism. Parents and scientists working together can make a difference.
14825 Believe in Tomorrow National Children's Foundation 52-1332737 Baltimore, MD Keeping families together during a child's medical crisis, we provide hospital/respite housing to families of critically-ill children, so they find hope and comfort.
14140 Bergin University of Canine Studies 68-0259118 Penngrove, CA Our Assistance Dogs empower people who are struggling with physical and emotional issues to regain sense of connection and expand life possibilities.
14150 Big Brothers Big Sisters of America 23-1365190 Tampa , FL Provides children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.
14155 Big Cat Rescue Corp 59-3330495 Tampa, FL Tigers confined to circus wagons. Lions bred for photos then to be shot in cages. Lynx farmed for their fur. Help us save big cats.
14160 Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network 20-2897110 Bethesda, MD BCAN's mission is to advance research, provide information and support, and raise awareness on bladder cancer. Find out more about what we can do.
14895 Boone and Crockett Club 13-6400091 Missoula, MT Upholding Theodore Roosevelt's vision, we're protecting our nation's most valuable resource - its wildlife. We've been promoting ethics in hunting, outdoor activities and conservation since 1888.
14165 Boulder Crest Retreat Foundation 27-3228310 Bluemont, VA The nation's first privately-funded and privately-owned rural wellness retreat dedicated exclusively to our nation's combat veterans and their families.
14170 Brain Injury Association of America 04-2716222 Fairfax, VA BIAA provides help, hope, healing for millions of Americans who live with often misdiagnosed and misunderstood brain injury.
14175 Bread and Water for Africa, Inc. 54-1884520 Alexandria, VA Strengthening African initiatives for self-sufficiency through grassroots health, clean water, education, orphanages, vocational training, agriculture, and micro-credit programs focusing on women and children.
14180 Breast Cancer Aid and Research Institute 36-4617641 Glendale, AZ Provides grants to hospitals that do research and treat breast cancer patients. Ships medical supplies to hospitals and clinics. Supports breast cancer support groups.
14185 Breast Cancer Fund 94-3155886 San Francisco, CA The leading national science-based, policy and advocacy organization focused on preventing breast cancer by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and other environmental factors linked to the disease. Exposing the causes of breast cancer is the cure!
13303 Breast Cancer Research & Assistance Fund 86-0957009 Glendale, AZ Provides research grants, medical equipment and supplies to clinics that treat breast cancer and other chronic diseases. Provides educational materials for patients. Cancer support groups.
14190 Brother's Brother Foundation 34-6562544 Pittsburgh, PA BBF helps bridge the gap between aid & sustainability by supporting localized programs and providing essential resources in healthcare, infrastructure, disaster response, and education.
14195 Can Do Multiple Sclerosis 74-2337853 Avon, CO Can Do MS delivers health and wellness education programs to help families living with MS thrive.
13308 Cancer Aid and Research Fund 74-2520175 Glendale, AZ Awards scientific research grants, provides medical supplies and equipment to programs that treat cancer and other degenerative diseases. Cancer support groups for patients and families.
10253 Cancer Care, Inc. 13-1825919 New York, NY CancerCare is the leading national organization providing free, support services including case management, counseling, support groups, educational workshops, financial assistance to anyone affected by cancer.
14200 Cancer Research Fund of the Damon Runyon - Walter Winchell Foundation 13-1933825 New York, NY To accelerate breakthroughs, we provide today's best young scientists with funding to pursue innovative cancer research. 100% of your donation funds cancer research.
14900 Canine Assistants 58-1974410 Milton, GA Teaching great dogs for special people. Invest in freedom by providing service dogs to children and adults with disabilities. Thank you!
11587 Canine Companions for Independence 94-2494324 Santa Rosa, CA A cold nose and a warm heart! Our companion dogs provide independence, assistance and friendship that transforms the lives of children and adults with disabilities.
14210 Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. 52-1584951 Silver Spring, MD CLINIC and its 330+ affiliates assist low-income immigrants, reunite families, promote citizenship, help victims of domestic violence, advocate, build capacity, and train legal immigration providers.
14905 Catholic Relief Services - USCCB 13-5563422 Baltimore, MD Rushes food, clothing, shelter, water and comfort to God's most vulnerable children effectively and efficiently in times of disaster and provides the means to self-sufficiency.
14215 Catholics For The Poor and Needy Worldwide 52-1106192 Takoma Park, MD Serving in faith, transforming through love! We connect Christian volunteers with opportunities to serve the poor and make a difference in communities across the globe.
14910 CHADD ( Children & Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) 59-2817697 Lanham, MD People with ADHD have difficulty sitting still, paying attention & controlling impulsive behavior. It can interfere with every part of their lives. As the leading voice for ADHD, we provide tools & skills so these children can lead successful lives.
14230 Chesapeake Bay Foundation 52-6065757 Annapolis, MD America's waters and marine life face toxic pollution, overfishing, urban sprawl. Help realize our vision: safe drinking water, pristine waterways, thriving ecosystems locally and nationwide.
14235 Child Find of America 22-2323336 New Paltz, NY Child kidnapping prevention and location specialists, helping children and devastated parents through free investigation, mediation and publicity. Your gift could bring a missing child home.
14240 Childhelp® 95-2884608 Scottsdale, AZ Five children die every day from child abuse and neglect. Help bring this number from five to zero; support Childhelp's intervention, treatment and prevention programs.
14245 Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America 25-1858159 Pittsburgh , PA We provide support & information to parents, healthcare professionals, raise awareness, & fund research into the causes of this disease. Join us & help kids!
14250 Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation 52-2122976 Germantown, MD Where would you turn if your child had a critical brain tumor? We're determined to find a cure and offer hope to parents facing heartbreak.
14260 Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation 47-0902295 Dulles, VA College scholarships to children of U.S. servicemembers killed in combat or training, making the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. We care for those left behind.
14265 Children of the Night 95-3130408 Los Angeles, CA Rescues America's children from the ravages of prostitution. Providing shelter, hope and new-beginnings. With your support, we can save more. Our children deserve a fighting-chance!
14270 Children's Cancer Aid and Research Institute 86-0932492 Phoenix, AZ Provides childhood cancer research grants. Ships medical supplies and humanitarian aid to programs that treat childhood cancer and other degenerative diseases. Provides summer camp sponsorships.
14275 Children's Defense Fund 52-0895622 Washington, DC Protecting children from poverty, abuse and neglect, and ensuring access to quality healthcare. Speaking for vulnerable children who cannot vote, lobby or speak for themselves.
14830 Children's House at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Inc 52-1619682 Baltimore, MD Keeping families together during a child's medical crisis, we provide hospital/respite housing to families of critically-ill children, so they find hope and comfort.
14915 Children's Hunger Fund 95-4335462 Sylmar, CA Our mission is to deliver hope to suffering children by equipping local churches for gospel-centered mercy ministry.
14920 Children's Hunger Relief Fund 51-0168428 Santa Rosa, CA Millions of innocent children needlessly die before age five! Help us provide millions of meals, healthcare, clean water, housing, education, God's love and stop starvation.
14925 Children's Organ Transplant Association 35-1674365 Bloomington, IN COTA is a 501c3 national charity helping children and young adults needing a life-saving organ transplant by providing fundraising assistance and family support.
14930 Christian Freedom International, Inc. 52-1283394 Front Royal, VA Aid and advocacy to persecuted Christians including medical and emergency relief, shelter, sponsorship, education, Bibles, Pastor training, vocational training, aid to disabled, self-help projects.
14935 Christian Relief Services 54-1884868 Alexandria, VA Fighting extreme poverty in USA, on Indian Reservations, Appalachia and overseas, by providing food, water, medicine, education, homes. Provide domestic violence victims with safe homes.
14940 Concerns of Police Survivors 52-1354370 Camdenton, MO Grief support and resources for surviving families and co-workers of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty; trauma training; public education.
14945 Coral Reef Alliance 94-3211245 San Francisco, CA CORAL works with communities to build management systems that reduce threats to reefs. Increasing the health of the ecosystem, and communities that depend on them.
14950 Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Foundation 06-1057497 Avon, CT CdLS occurs in approximately 1 in 10,000 live births and the CdLS Foundation is honored to currently serve over 2,800 individuals with this rare genetic syndrome.
13340 Correctional Peace Officers Foundation 68-0023302 Sacramento, CA Nonprofit charity for Correctional Officers and their families, by providing line-of-duty death benefit, and catastrophic assistance in cases of accident or illness.
14290 Cradle of Hope Adoption Center Inc 52-1729434 Silver Spring, MD Help an abandoned child! We provide adoption services and support to children who need permanent, loving families. Every dollar saves children's lives and provides love!
14960 Cure Alzheimer's Fund 52-2396428 Wellesley, MA Research is the only path to a cure. We're funding breakthrough, innovative research to prevent, slow, reverse and ultimately find a cure for Alzheimer's Disease.
14965 Days End Farm Horse Rescue 52-1759077 Lisbon, MD Mission: Ensuring quality care & treatment of horses through intervention, education, & outreach
14970 Deaf Children's Literacy Project 52-1263121 Fairfax, VA Most deaf children are behind in English language and literacy. Reading opens the door to their future. Give them the power of English to succeed.
14975 Delta Research and Educational Foundation 52-1338072 Washington, DC Over the years, Delta Research and Educational Foundation has directed its charitable giving to program initiatives reflected in our founding mission with local Delta chapters.
14980 Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation 52-1714027 Bethesda, MD Funding innovative, promising research to prevent, treat and cure diabetes. 100% of your workplace contributions used for diabetes research and programs. We can conquer diabetes!
11457 Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charitable Service Trust 52-1521276 Cold Spring, KY Empowering Veterans To Lead High-Quality Lives With Dignity...Prosthetics Research and Devices for Amputees; Traumatic Brain Injury Therapy; Guide/Assistance Dogs; Comfort for Survivors.
14985 Dogs Deserve Better 03-0480223 Charlottesville, VA We are dedicated to saving dogs from a horrific life to one of companionship and love, and helping pet owners with medical needs.
14990 Dogs for Better Lives 93-0681311 Central Point, OR Dogs for Better Lives professionally trains dogs, placing them nationally, to help better people's lives.
14995 Dogs Last Chance 95-4013155 Los Angeles, CA Help us end animal abuse! We do ground breaking undercover investigations to expose animal abusers and put an end to the cruelty!
12435 Dogs On Death Row 20-5530700 Canton, GA We rescue dogs facing imminent execution if they do not get interim financial sponsors or foster parents or receive medical treatment required to become adoptable.
15000 Educated Choices Program Inc 47-5137685 Lawrenceville, GA We provide free science-based education programs pertaining to the impacts of food choices on human and planetary health for students and adults globally.
15005 Elephant Sanctuary 62-1587327 Hohenwald, TN The nation's largest natural habitat refuge for Asian and African elephants retired from performance and exhibition. Improving elephant lives through sanctuary, education, research, international assistance.
15010 Elephants, Saving Elephants and Habitat Worldwide 75-2815706 Azle, TX We are dedicated to conserving African and Asian elephants and their habitats with funds and expertise to support elephant conservation, protection, education and research programs.
15015 EOD Warrior Foundation, Inc. 20-8618412 Niceville, FL The EOD Warrior Foundation supports the EOD community to ensure the financial, social and emotional well being of EOD Family.
15020 Equine Land Consetvation Resources 52-2139677 Lexington, KY No Land, No Horse. We lose 6,000 acres of open land every day. Help Equine Land Conservation Resource save the lands our horses need.
15025 Farm Animal Rescue, Adoption, and Sanctuary 68-0200668 Grass Valley, CA Our work has saved thousands of abused, neglected, and cruelly mistreated farmed animals. We're a loving sanctuary committed to rescue and advocating for all farmed creatures, including cows, chickens, turkeys, sheep, pigs, goats & rabbits.
15030 Farm Sanctuary 51-0292919 Watkins Glen, NY Help us protect farm animals from cruelty and abuse, inspire change in the way society views and treats farm animals, and promote compassionate vegan living.
15035 Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry 52-2151919 Williamsport, MD Help put meat on the table for hungry families! We pay the butchering fees for donated deer and livestock. One deer can provide 200 meals!
13370 Fisher House Foundation 11-3158401 Rockville, MD We build and donate Fisher Houses at military/VA medical centers, support existing houses, help military families in need and award Scholarships for Military Children.
15040 Freedom Alliance 54-1411430 Dulles, VA Honor/encourage military service/promote a strong national defense. Meet rehabilitation needs of wounded/combat veterans/military families. Support activities/events for wounded/deployed troops/families, award college scholarships.
15045 Friends of Animals 13-6018549 Darien, CT Founded in 1957, Friends of Animals is a national/international nonprofit that frees animals from cruelty and exploitation wherever it occurs no matter what.
15050 Futures Without Violence 94-3110973 San Francisco, CA We work to heal those traumatized by violence and to create healthy families and communities free of violence. From domestic violence and sexual assault to child abuse and bullying, our programs help prevent and end violence against women and children.
12045 Gary Sinise Foundation 80-0587086 Woodland Hills, CA The Gary Sinise Foundation serves our nation by honoring our defenders, veterans, first responders, their families, and those in need.
14835 GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer 20-4417327 Boston, Ma Founded by patients and survivors, we are dedicated to saving, extending, and improving the lives of those vulnerable, at risk, and diagnosed with lung cancer.
14295 GoodWeave USA 52-2042014 Washington, DC Devoted to the rescue of trafficked and exploited child laborers from carpet looms in Asia, and offering them rehabilitation, counseling, education and a home.
14300 Greenpeace Fund 95-3313195 Washington, DC An independent, campaigning organization that uses research and public education to expose global environmental problems, and promote solutions essential to a green and peaceful future.
15055 Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc 11-1687477 Smithtown, NY Using innovative training methods, trains guide and service dogs to restore independence and mobility, empowering people with disabilities to live without boundaries.
15060 Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc 94-1196195 San Rafael, CA Providing safety, independence and companionship to the blind and visually impaired by partnering them with exceptional guide dogs throughout their lifetime at no charge.
15065 Guide Dogs of America 95-1586088 Sylmar, CA The Organization transforms the lives of people who are blind, veterans, children with autism, and vulnerable populations in facilities through partnerships with service dogs.
15070 Healing the Children Northeast 06-1172388 New Milford, CT Millions of children live in isolation and go untreated. Surgeries like cleft lip/palate are simple, yet the results are life changing. Our volunteer surgeons & nurses provide the world's poorest children with free medical, surgical & dental treatment.
15075 Hearing Health Foundation 13-1882107 New York, NY Hearing Health Foundation's mission is to prevent and cure hearing loss and tinnitus through groundbreaking research and to promote hearing health.
15080 Heart Disease Aid and Research Fund 51-0555174 Glendale, AZ Awards grants to hospitals that do research and treat heart disease patients. Ships medical supplies to hospitals. Provides educational material to patients and families.
15085 Hearts United for Animals 47-0773858 Auburn, NE National No-Kill shelter/sanctuary, assistance for family pets needing veterinary care, providing shelter for pets of domestic abuse families, National Anti-Puppy Mill Campaign.
15090 Hispanic Scholarship Fund 52-1051044 Gardena, CA HSF has awarded over $700 million in scholarships and support services since its inception in 1975.
15095 Holt International Children's Services, Inc. 23-7257390 Eugene, OR Holt seeks a world where every child has a safe and secure home. We work in 16 countries to help strengthen families and prevent abandonment, provide care and support for vulnerable and orphaned children, and offer adoption services.
12740 Homes For Our Troops 54-2143612 Taunton, MA We build specially adapted, handicap-accessible homes for severely injured veterans across the country. The homes are provided at no cost to the veterans.
15100 Hope for the Warriors 20-5182295 Springfield, VA Support programs for service members, veterans and military families. Serving the post-9/11 warrior community with integrated transition support, financial assistance, health & wellness programs, adaptive equipment, scholarships and community engagement.
15105 HOPE worldwide 04-3129839 Atlanta, Georgia Together, we are a community in service to the most vulnerable people around the globe, letting them know they have not been forgotten.
15110 Hospice Foundation of America 59-2219888 Washington, DC Supporting individuals through life-ending illness and assisting caregivers with grief and loss. We emphasize hospice and palliative care while providing public and professional education.
14305 Humane Farm Animal Care 47-0910622 Middleburg, VA Dairy cows confined in tie stalls, crated pigs can't root or move, chickens stuffed in cages. Fight cruelty in raising and handling of animals.
15115 Hydrocephalus Association 94-3000301 Bethesda, MD Hydrocephalus is a devastating brain condition affecting people of all ages that frequently goes undiagnosed in seniors. Help us fund medical research, provide support and hope, and ensure that all who suffer from this illness are aware of new treatments.
15120 Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma 75-2401334 San Diego, CA Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Elder Abuse, and Human Trafficking. Help us reduce victimization and trauma. Help support communities to be violence-free.
15125 International Myeloma Foundation 95-4296919 Studio City, CA IMF improves the lives of multiple myeloma cancer patients & works toward prevention & a cure thru our 4 founding principles: Research, Education, Support, & Advocacy. Funding collaborative research, grants to prevent disease, & InfoLine support services.
15130 International Rhino Foundation 75-2395006 Fort Worth, TX Brutally slaughtered for their horns & losing habitat to human activity, rhinos are in danger of extinction. We work to ensure the survival of rhinos through strategic partnerships, targeted protection, & scientifically sound anti-paoching interventions.
14310 Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund 20-0366717 New York, NY Provide treatment facilities for military personnel severely injured in Iraq and Afghanistan with programs fostering a family healing process. Also called Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund.
15135 Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Inc. 20-1664531 New York, NY IAVA strives to CONNECT, UNITE and EMPOWER post-9/11 veterans while advocating for the advancement of critical veterans' issues that affect all generations.
15140 Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind 23-2519029 Warrington, PA We provide; Guide dogs for the blind, PTSD Service dogs for soldiers, and Emotional Support dogs for children with autism. Given FREE to our clients.
15145 K9s For Warriors 27-5219467 PONTE VEDRA, FL Roughly 20 veterans die by suicide daily. K9s For Warriors is determined to change that. We exist because of our dedication to saving lives.
15150 Kidney Cancer Association 36-3719712 Houston, TX Alone we are strong, but together we are unstoppable. Join the KCA as we lead the charge in finding the cure for kidney cancer.
14315 La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology 33-0328688 La Jolla, CA We're moving closer to a cure. Our cutting-edge research is advancing new treatments and cures for millions suffering from diabetes and other chronic, debilitating diseases.
14320 Living Waters International 39-1841934 Antigo, WI Alleviate human suffering among the poor and marginalized in East Africa. Help supply basic human/spiritual needs; build churches, schools, health clinics and youth hostels.
15155 Lutheran World Relief 13-2574963 Baltimore, MD Lutheran World Relief saves and improves lives in the poorest parts of the world. We will persist until your love reaches every neighbor.
15160 Lymphoma Foundation of America 52-1662087 Ann Arbor, MI Compassionate patient and family support services. Counseling by nurses, doctor referrals, patient financial aid, and research to find a cure. Services are free to all.
15165 Lymphoma Research Foundation 95-4335088 New York, NY Our mission is to eradicate lymphoma and serve those touched by this disease by funding research and providing information and support to victims of adolescent and young adult lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
15170 MADRE, Inc. 13-3280194 New York, NY MADRE is an international women's human rights organization that partners with community-based women's groups to advance women's human rights, challenge injustice and create social change in contexts of war, conflict, disaster and their aftermath.
15180 Marine Coprs Scholarship Foundation 22-1905062 Alexandria, VA Help provide financial need-based educational scholarships to children of current/veteran Marines, and children of Navy Corpsmen that served with the Marines, so each child has the chance to pursue college or career and technical (CTE) education.
15175 Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation 22-3357410 Tuckahoe, NY Educational accounts for the children of fallen, active duty Marines, NavyCorpsman & Federal Law Enforcement Officers. Humanitarian support given to active duty Marines/FLEO families.
14840 Matthew 25: Ministries 31-1348100 Cincinnati, OH Helping the poorest of the poor and disaster victims. Providing basic necessities and disaster relief, food, vitamins, clothing and education materials. Caring for a needy world and meeting the most basic needs of severely suffering people.
15185 Mercy For Animals 54-2076145 Los Angeles, CA Factory farming: Suffering cows, pigs, chickens, and fish in overcrowded, unsanitary, and cruel conditions that also carry serious human-health and environmental consequences. Your support helps us build a more just and sustainable food system for all.
15190 Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund 74-1563270 Los Angeles, CA MALDEF promotes and protects the civil rights of Latinos in the areas of Education, Employment, Immigrant Rights, Political Access and administers scholarships for Law students.
15195 Military Families Receive Free Mental Health Care Corporaation 61-1493378 Gaithersburg, MD Free & confidential mental health care to military personnel, veterans & families. We provide counseling, emotional wellness workshops, & peer support so that service members receive the care they need to continue being resilient members of the community.
14325 Military Heritage Foundation 25-1830984 Carlisle, PA Honor American Soldiers and their Families, preserve their memories, and educate the public about their service and sacrifice. Enrich the Center's exhibits, programs, and outreach.
15200 Military Officers Association of America Scholarship Fund 54-1659039 Alexandria, VA Education is the cornerstone of democracy. Providing interest-free loans/grants to children from military families (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard, NOAA, USPHS, Space Force), officer and enlisted, who are pursuing college or vocational degree.
14330 Mission Without Borders Incorporated 77-0292572 Camarillo, CA Children abandoned, orphaned, hungry, lost and lonely, living in bleak institutions need hope and love. Your support helps us save and change their lives!
15205 Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation 95-4604927 Studio City, CA Keeping music alive for thousands of students every year! We donate musical instruments to underfunded schools, giving under-represented youth access to music education, leading them to success and inspiring creativity and expression through playing music.
15210 Ms. Foundation for Women 23-7252609 Brooklyn, NY We're the first national women's foundation. We're changing the face of philanthropy and transforming our democracy by putting women and girls of color first.
15215 Multiple Myelpoma Research Foundation 06-1504413 Norwalk, CT As a patient-founded organization, the MMRF stands together with those battling multiple myeloma while standing apart with our innovative approach to speed the discovery of a cure - for every patient.
15240 Natioanal Pediatric Cancer Foundation 59-3097333 Tampa, FL Dedicated to funding research that will lead to less toxic and more targeted therapies to eliminate childhood cancer worldwide.
14335 National Abortion Federation 43-1097957 Washington, DC Women's ability to access abortion care is under attack. Help us keep clinics open so women can obtain the safe, quality abortion care they need.
14340 National Alopecia Areata Foundation 94-2780249 San Rafael, CA Provides major research funding, patient educational materials and support for alopecia areata.
15220 National CASA/GAL Association for Children 91-1255818 Seattle, WA National CASA/GAL leads a nationwide movement of programs whose volunteers advocate for children who have experienced abuse or neglect so they can thrive.
15225 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 52-1328557 Alexandria, VA Providing assistance to law enforcement and families to help find missing children and prevent child sexual exploitation and victimization.
14345 National Foundation for Celiac Awareness 90-0108854 Ambler, PA Help save millions of lives, billions of dollars. Celiac disease can lead to malnourishment, cancer, infertility, osteoporosis, other life-threatening diseases. 83% of sufferers remain undiagnosed.
15230 National Park Foundation 52-1086761 Washington, DC National parks are places to treasure, celebrate and preserve. Help safeguard the priceless legacy of our national parks - today, and for generations to come.
15235 National Park Trust 52-1691924 Rockville, MD NPT impacts park preservation by providing indepth environmental outdoor education experiences for underserved youth and families; and by providing funding to complete park preservation projects.
15245 National Veterans Legal Services Program, Inc. 52-1238058 Arlington, VA Providing free legal services to help veterans and their families secure disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs and the United States Armed Forces.
14845 Native Forward Scholars Fund 85-0222386 Albuquerque, NM We provide financial and student support services for American Indians and Alaska Natives in all 50 states who are pursuing higher education and support them in attaining undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees.
15250 Navy Seal Foundation, Inc. 31-1728910 Virginia Beach, VA The Navy SEAL Foundation provides critical support for the warriors, veterans, and families of Naval Special Warfare.
15255 NEADS, Inc. 23-7281887 Princeton, MA NEADS dogs bring independence and assistance to veterans, children with autism, and people who are deaf or disabled. Help provide these life-changing Service Dogs.
14350 North Shore Animal League America 11-1666852 Port Washington, NY Support the largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization in the world. We save the lives of pets through rescue, adoption, spay/neuter, advocacy initiatives.
15260 OneSky 95-4714047 Berkeley, CA We enrich the lives of orphaned, abandoned & neglected children of China, Vietnam, Mongolia & Hong Kong with much needed love & care so that they thrive! Training caregivers, creating early learning centers, & nurseries to help working parents.
15265 Operation First Response 20-1622436 Culpeper, CA Wounded & disabled Service Members, Veterans & First Responders assisted w/personal & financial needs. From the onset of injury thru recovery & transition to civilian life. We help w/ rent, utilities, vehicle payments, groceries, clothing, travel expenses.
14355 Operation Homefront 32-0033325 San Antonio, TX Be a caring Patriot! Support our military families - help us provide emergency financial assistance and morale programs to military families and Wounded Warriors.
13493 Organization for Autism Research 54-2062167 Arlington, VA Parents of children with autism never stop seeking answers. We're here to provide those answers by funding research that provides practical information on lifelong care.
15270 Outreach International 43-1164177 Kansas City, MO We assist community-led groups worldwide to create lasting solutions to chronic poverty by helping them identify issues and work together to achieve positive, sustainable outcomes, including access to safe water, nutrition, income, health and education.
15275 PAI 52-0812075 Washington, DC Sexual and reproductive health is more than a hope?it's a human right. That's why PAI and our 120+ global partners work to expand access to safe abortion, contraception and quality reproductive health care for women, young people and at-risk communities.
15280 Patriot Paws Service Dogs 04-3815107 rockwall, TX Patriot PAWS Service Dogs trains Service Dogs of the highest quality and provides them at no cost to disabled American Veterans and others with mobility disabilities and/or PTSD in order to help restore their physical and emotional independence.
14365 Paws for Purple Hearts 45-3342634 Penngrove, CA Teaching Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and/or Traumatic Brain Injury to train service dogs for fellow Veterans with physical disabilities and combat injuries.
12050 Paws4People, Inc 54-1948479 Wilmington, NC Placing customized Service Dogs with Veterans and their dependents living with disabilities including PTSD, TBI, MST & Moral Injury.
14380 Pearl S. Buck International, Inc. 23-1637212 Perkasie, PA Pearl S. Buck International® builds better lives for children around the globe, who without your support, would not be educated or have access to healthcare.
15285 Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation 95-3772528 Irvine, CA Someday is today - we fund pioneering research that improves treatment, increases survival rates, and reaches for a cure. Help bring hope to children battling cancer.
10357 PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals 52-1218336 Norfolk, VA Fight cruelty. Save lives! Your gift makes a kinder world for animals through undercover investigations, rescues, humane education, spay/neuter, and high-profile advocacy campaigns.
15290 Pets for Patriots, Inc. 27-1082210 Long Beach, NY Provide recovery and transform the lives of veterans, wounded warriors, and active duty military through the adoption and care of overlooked shelter dogs and cats.
15295 Philippine Children's Shelter 41-1330241 Cambridge, MN Our shelter provides needy Filipino children with food, medicine, education and a loving home. You can make the difference in the life of an orphan!
11895 Planned Parenthood Federation of America 13-1644147 New York, NY Ensure access to affordable reproductive health care, protect reproductive rights, and promote access to comprehensive medically accurate sexuality education, domestically and internationally.
15300 Posse Foundation 13-3840394 New York, NY Posse provides diverse, high-achieving public high school students, who may be overlooked by the traditional college selection process, with a path to attend top colleges and universities. They graduate at a rate of 90% and become leaders in the workforce.
15305 Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility 93-1102740 Silver Spring, MD PEER is watchdog organization that supports public employees in advocating for sound stewardship of natural resources, maintaining government accountability and fighting for scientific integrity.
12060 Puppies Behind Bars 13-3969389 New York, NY Wounded war veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan receive prison-trained service dogs, free of charge, through the Dog Tags initiative of Puppies Behind Bars.
15310 Rainforest Trust 13-3500609 Warrenton, VA Protect our planet's natural rainforests in perpetuity by purchasing acres of habitat for critically endangered species and local indigenous communities worldwide.
15315 Sarcoma Foundation of America, Inc. 52-2275294 Damascus, MD Sarcoma is a cancer of soft tissue & bone. Though it can strike at any age, the disease makes up 20% of all childhood cancers. SFA educates the public to raise sarcoma awareness, funds grants for scientific research, and advocates for new treatments.
15320 Save the Manatee Club, Inc. 59-3131709 Maitland, FL We protect threatened & imperiled manatees & their aquatic habitats for today & future generations. Aiding in the recovery & protection of manatees & their water ecosystems throughout the world. Help us leave a lasting legacy for our children to enjoy!
15325 Scholarship America 04-2296967 Minneapolis, MN Today, more than half of college students in America are unable to fulfill their dream of pursuing a college degree. The need is urgent. Our scholarships and emergency grants help provide life-changing education for students who need us most.
15330 Search Dog Foundation, National Disaster 77-0412509 Santa Paula, CA SDF rescues dogs, partners them with firefighters, and trains them to locate people buried alive after disasters. Join us and be Part of the Search!
15335 Search for Common Ground 52-1257425 Washington, DC Families torn apart by war. Women raped and silenced. Minorities without power. Refugees starving. Countries torn apart, trying to heal. Conflict & differences are inevitable. Violence is not. We offer constructive solutions that lead to peace.
15340 Seeing Eye. Inc. 22-1539721 Morristown, NJ The Seeing Eye has given blind people the opportunity to travel independently and confidently with Seeing Eye dogs and live active lifestyles-since 1929.
12743 Semper Fi & America's Fund 26-0086305 Oceanside, CA Help us serve injured and critically ill post-9/11 service members, veterans, and families recover and transition to home and communities. Ratings A+ Four Star.
15345 Seva Foundation 38-2231279 Berkeley, CA Seva works with local communities around the world to develop self-sustaining eye programs that preserve and restore sight.
12315 Shriners Hospitals for Children 36-2193608 Tampa, FL Children suffering from burns, spinal cord injuries, and orthopedic conditions receive world-class medical care in a family-centered environment regardless of ability to pay.
12030 Sisters Network, Inc 76-0480069 Houston, TX Sisters Network is committed to saving Black women's lives through breast cancer awareness, outreach and early detection. We provide support, financial assistance, free mammography screenings.
15350 Skin Cancer Foundation 13-2948778 New York, NY Skin cancer, the world's most common cancer, is occurring at epidemic levels. It is also preventable, and usually curable when detected early. Help us save lives through our public education campaigns, community programs, and research initiatives.
14850 Soldiers' Angels 20-0583415 San Antonio, TX Adaptive laptops for wounded warriors, VA assistance for veterans, baby showers for wives of deployed troops. We provide comfort to America's military and their families.
15355 Sooutheastern Guide Dogs, Inc. 59-2252352 Palmetto, FL Southeastern Guide Dogs provides guide dogs, service dogs, and companion dogs for adults and children with visual impairments, veterans with disabilities, and others in need.
14395 St. Baldrick's Foundation, Inc. 20-1173824 Monrovia, CA Every 3 minutes a parent is told, "Your child has cancer." Funding research is a child's best hope for a cure. Help us save lives.
15360 Stand Up To Cancer 95-1644609 Los Angeles, CA Stand Up To Cancer's (SU2C) mission is to raise funds to accelerate the pace of groundbreaking translational research that can get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives now.
15365 Stem Cell Foundation 20-2905531 New York, NY Alzheimer's, AMD, autism, Diabetes, MS, Parkinson's, PTSD, women's cancers & more. NYSCF accelerates the search for cures through innovative, collaborative stem cell research. The future of medicine is here & will change the life of a patient or loved one.
15370 Student Conservation Association 91-0880684 Arlington, VA America's youth want to do something important with their lives. As our national parks fall into disrepair, we're inspiring youth to find their calling, as the next generation of conservation leaders with hands on service to our parks and public lands.
15375 Suicide Awareness Voices of Education 41-1702239 Bloomington, MN To prevent suicide through public awareness and education, reduce stigma and serve as a resource to those touched by suicide.
15380 Support Our Troops 33-1112829 Tampa, FL They do the impossible for us! They Support Us - Let's Support Them! Help support soldiers, their families and even K-9 Warriors with care packages that provide tons of morale and well-being to active duty servicemembers in all military branches worldwide!
15385 Thyroid Association, American 41-6038600 Alexandria, VA Optimal Thyroid Health for All is the goal of ATA's programs. Your donations support thyroid research, education and health - learn more at!
15390 Tigers in America 45-4998901 New York, NY 5,000 tigers live in this country, most in terrible conditions in roadside zoos. We rescue and transport them to sanctuaries that provide lifetime care.
15395 TMJ Association, Ltd. 39-1691109 Milwaukee, WI Jaw pain and/or dysfunction affecting a person's ability to speak, eat, smile, and even breathe. We promote research, scientifically validated treatments, and offer support.
15400 Travis Manion Foundation 41-2237951 Doylestown, PA Travis Manion Foundation empowers veterans and families of the fallen to develop character in future generations.
15405 Trickle Up Program 06-1043042 New York, NY Trickle Up helps women, people with disabilities, indigenous groups, and refugees graduate out of extreme poverty because they are disproportionately affected by extreme poverty.
15410 United States Association for UNHCR 52-1662800 Washington, DC Providing essential services - emergency relief, food, water, and medical care - to refugees worldwide. Those fleeing starvation, persecution and war receive lifesaving emergency aid, cash assistance, education, job training and resettlement assistance.
15415 United States Sportsmens Alliance Foundation 31-0941103 Columbus, OH We're exposing youth & families to the great outdoors: hunting, fishing, conservation through our Outdoor Adventure Clubs. These hands-on activities emphasize sustainable participation, conservation & impart a love of the outdoors, nature and conservation.
15420 USA Cares, Inc. 05-0588761 Louisville, KY USA Cares' mission is to improve the quality of life for post-9/11 military families and reduce risk factors contributing to homelessness and suicide.
15425 USA Wrestling 36-2667348 Colorado Springs, CO Guided by the Olympic spirit, USA Wrestling provides quality opportunities to help America's youth reach their full human and athletic potential. Wrestling instills discipline, dedication and character that produces champions on the mat and in life!
15430 Vegan Outreach 86-0736818 Sacramento, CA Vegan Outreach works to end violence towards animals. We seek a future when sentient animals are no longer exploited as commodities.
15440 Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation 43-1758998 Kansas City, MO Help support US service personnel, veterans, and their families with financial aid, educational scholarships, VA claims counseling, employment assistance, etc. All services provided are FREE.
15435 Veterans Tickets Foundation 26-2291955 Tempe, AZ Supporting Military, Veterans, 1st-Responders and their Families with entertainment, lasting memories and reintegration opportunities by providing tickets to sporting events, concerts, and family activities.
14405 Viet Blind Children Foundation 91-2055728 San Francisco, CA For over a decade, we have pioneered support for homes providing healthcare, education, and career development to once-neglected visually-impaired children in Vietnam.
15445 58-2060131 Kansas City, MO is an international nonprofit organization that has positively transformed millions of lives around the world with access to safe water and sanitation.
14410 Wolf Conservation Center, Inc. 13-4073912 South Salem, NY Wolves are among the rarest mammals in North America... facing extinction. Committed to teaching people about wolves, their environment and our role in protecting them.
13575 Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation 26-0718304 Brandon, FL Serves our nation's combat wounded Purple Heart recipients by providing world-class outdoor sporting activities to recognize their sacrifice, encourage their independence, and promote their healing.
15450 Wreaths Across America 20-8362270 Columbia Falls, ME REMEMBER our fallen U.S. veterans. HONOR those who serve. TEACH our children the value of freedom. We place wreaths on fallen veteran gravestones in all 50 states, at sea and abroad to commemorate our devoted American military heroes.
15455 Yellowstone Forever 47-5427975 Bozeman, MT Protect, preserve, and enhance Yellowstone National Park and its wildlife including Cutthroat Trout, Black Bears, bison, wolves and cougars. Your gift helps ensure that the wonders and wildlife of Yellowstone remain undiminished for generations to come.
12040 Zachary and Elizabeth M Fisher Center For Alzheimers Research Fdn 13-3859563 New York, NY Unique research into cause, care and cure of Alzheimer's by Nobel Prize winner. Donate to change lives. Bring a cure to 5.4 million Americans.